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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Inclusive Regional Development: A Case Study of Pengerang Region in Johor Malaysia

Maqsood Rezayee, Gabriel Hoh Teck Ling, Rahmatullah Ibrahimy, Wahidullah Sadat

Open access

The large development projects exhibit positive impacts on the surroundings and immediate spatial vicinity of the development. Pengerang Integrated Petroleum Complex (PIPC) is a mega project planned under Malaysia’s National Key Economic Areas (NKEA). Even though the PIPC seems to be beneficial for the country’s economic growth, in terms of foreign investment, however, it also creates controversial issues among local people, such as the local people may not necessarily obtain benefits from the development of PIPC. Previous similar studies did not adequately explore these issues. Therefore, this research study presents two main objectives: (i) to explore the issues and benefits of those arising among local people by the development of PIPC projects and (ii) to prepare a strategic plan for inclusive development where local people can benefit from the development of PIPC projects. In order to reach the aim of this research site observation, and interviews with community leaders, local workers, and government institutions, have been as an instrument for data collection. However, the finding of this research indicates that the issues of the PIPC development that were considered are those arising among the fishermen community in the region, local businesses, and other related issues. While this research study has been prepared, the strategy where local people can benefit from the development. Furthermore, an initiative and a well-designed strategy of this research study will lead to relatively long term support and a relationship between locals and the government.

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In-Text Citation: (Rezayee et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Rezayee, M., Ling, G. H. T., Ibrahimy, R., & Sadat, W. (2020). Inclusive Regional Development: A Case Study of Pengerang Region in Johor Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(6), 329–345.