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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exploring the Roles of Wattpad in Creative Writing Process

Nur Syuhaidah Ayub, Mohd Syuhaidi Abu Bakar, Muhammad Aisamuddin bin Md Asri, Fazlina binti Jaafar, Nora Edrina binti Sahharil

Open access

In this new era, writing is no longer limited to traditional writing methods such as simply writing on books and papers and blogs and so on. Writing can now be easily accessed and free worldwide. This paper has discovered an application that complies with user-friendly writing features, which is Wattpad. It is a tool to record writing talents and facilitating publishers in finding writing talents. This paper has explored the role of Wattpad, especially in the creative writing process. This was attainable with the help of a publisher from Lejen Press Sdn Bhd (Muhammad Aisamuddin bin Md Asri) and Muhammad Fatrim, an independent creative writer. Both were interviewed and data where transcribed to understand the role of Wattpad in the creative writing process from both a publisher and an author point of view. It was found that for a publisher, Wattpad contributes in finding talent, promotion and creating fan-base. For a writer, Wattpad introduces themselves to the writing community, allows dissemination of ideas, allows learning, practices and experiments with creating writing. Such findings affirms the active and positive roles of Wattpad as discussed in the literatures.

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In-Text Citation: (Ayub et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Ayub, N. S., Bakar, M. S. A., Asri, M. A. bin M., Jaafar, F. binti, & Sahharil, N. E. binti. (2020). Exploring the Roles of Wattpad in Creative Writing Process. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(6), 624–632.