ISSN: 2222-6990
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Normal for each individual to experience anger. Though uncontrolled anger is negative, when properly channelled, anger can bring positive outcomes. Thus, there is a need to develop an anger management module to help reduce the negative effects of anger among adolescents. This article discusses the construction of adolescents’ anger management module by utilizing art therapy. Art therapy such as drawing allow an angry individual to channel their anger through their piece of drawing (Liebmann, 2004). Previous researches show that Art Therapy can reduce the intensity of anger. The development of this module involves several phases. In the first phase, a review of literature was carried out on issues related to anger among schooling adolescents and the approaches in managing anger. The second phase entailed discussions with experts in Art Therapy and experts in Counselling Psychology. Subsequently, in the third phase the Art Therapy Module was developed and tested. Based on comments from Art Therapy experts and Counselling and Psychology experts, this Module was pilot-tested before used in the actual field study. Based on literature reviews and discussions with experts, eight sessions that encapsulate eight modules were successfully developed. Module 1 focuses on orientation, relationship building and information on the ethics of group counselling. Module 2 includes aspects on anger identification, effects of anger and anger expression. Module 3 and 4 gives in-depth focus on the expression of anger. Meanwhile, Module 5 to 7 focus on the healing process to reduce adolescents anger intensity. Lastly, Module 8 contains the termination session. It is hoped that the development of this module can assist adolescents in managing their anger and consequently, reduce the number of discipline cases, which are related to anger issues.
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In-Text Citation: (Yusof et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Yusof, S. A. bin M., Ahmad, N. S. binti, & Aman, R. C. (2020). Development of Adolescent Anger Management Module Using Art Therapy. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(14), 1–10.
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