ISSN: 2222-6990
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Error is an important aspect to consider, among other news elements, in order to overcome mistranslation. This is due to the fact that news translation encounters language and cultural barriers that may hinder total understanding of a news message (Conway, 2010). Error analysis is a method to document language errors that occur in a specific language. Therefore, this error analysis research is conducted to identify and pinpoint common translation errors that occur in online news feature. This research data is comprised of 859 quotations extracted from news feature published online by BERNAMA, the Malaysian national news agency. Kussmaul’s five categories of error is utilized in analyzing news feature data. Findings indicate that translation errors occur in news feature translations. Even though literal translation is widely used in translating news feature, certain facts and meanings cannot be conveyed in the target news language which subsequently create problems among target readers in understanding the news feature main messages. These translation errors can be categorized into five categories, i.e. cultural adequacy, situational adequacy, speech act, word meaning and language. Among these, errors in language received the highest frequency (35%) and the least frequent common error is cultural adequacy (1.6%). Hence, this study gives insights towards the type of translation errors that occur in news feature translation and have potential implications for news agencies and news translators. Both parties may use these findings in improving news feature translation process and enhance the final news feature product quality.
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In-Text Citation: (Sukur & Awang, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Sukur, A. S. A., & Awang, R. (2020). Error Analysis in Translation of Quotations in Online News Feature. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(7), 526–540.
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