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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Strategic Considerations for KINDERGARTENS in Leading Learning of Orang Asli Students

Misnaton Rabahi, Hamidah Yusof, Marinah Awang, Arif Jawaid

Open access

This paper discusses strategic considerations derived from findings of a grounded theory study exploring the process of leading learning among Orang Asli students. Using Glaser’s Classic Grounded Theory method, the study captures learners’ voices and analyses how they have survived the schooling process despite the challenges and deficit theorising surrounding them. The emerging findings make explicit five strands of roles that contributed to the success of Orang Asli primary education: parents, learners, kindergartens, primary schools and significant others. In this paper, however, the authors focus on the role of kindergartens in leading the learning of Orang Asli students. The findings capture the concerns, actions and provisions that supported Orang Asli students in transiting the home to school journey. Strategic considerations for improvement of kindergartens leading learning of Orang Asli students are discussed in context with implications for practice. By listening to learners’ voices, kindergartens can reflect and raise their commitment for contextually inclusive pedagogy that avoids deficit theorising.

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In-Text Citation: (Rabahi et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Rabahi, M., Yusof, H., Awang, M., & Jawaid, A. (2020). Strategic Considerations for KINDERGARTENS in leading learning of orang Asli Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(7), 559–570.