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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

SLR: The Implementations of Problem-Solving Method Using Polya, 5e, 7e Method and Its Challenge to Cope With 21st Century Learning

Nur Izzah Muhamad Sauki, Othman Talib

Open access

This study presents a systematic literature review on the implementation of Problem Solving Method in HOTS questions. The main objective for this study is to identify the suitable problem solving method to implement in HOTS questions. We consider factors such as publication year, learner type and challenges in the implementation. The full ranges of Dimensions, Scopus, Emerald, Science Direct journals are surveyed and a total 15 research articles were selected for analysis. The analysis reveals that, while different field applies different strategies of problem solving method such as problem based learning, Polya’s Model, 5E Model and 7E Model, most of them share similar activities in implementing the problem solving method in higher order questions. These findings act as a new skill in implementing problem solving method in higher order questions.

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In-Text Citation: (Sauki & Talib, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Sauki, N. I. M., & Talib, O. (2020). SLR: The Implementations of Problem-Solving Method Using Polya, 5e, 7e Method and Its Challenge to Cope With 21st Century Learning. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(6), 1046–1060.