ISSN: 2222-6990
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The leadership style is a critical determinant of success in any field of endeavour. The leadership style and athletes’ satisfaction are considered as one of the significant factors in the sport fields. The purpose on these studies is the leadership style among coaches and the relationship between football player in Iraqi Public Universities. These researches are using the cross-sectional survey as research design. This study comprised a total of 194 male soccer players from all eleven public Iraqi’s universities football teams. The instrument of this research are the Multidimensional Model of Leadership (MML), a model to identify the relationship between five leadership styles (Training & Instruction, Autocratic Style, Democratic Style, Social Support, and Positive Feedback) and athletes’ satisfaction which including two instruments namely Leadership Scale for Sport (LSS), to determine leadership style, and Athlete Satisfaction Questionnaire (ASQ), to examine athletes’ satisfaction. The descriptive statistics results show that the most popular Iraqi coaches leadership style among the five basic leadership styles was training and instruction (M = 3.487). The results of satisfaction athlete’s subscale show that the most popular is personal treatment (M = 5.946). There are the relationship between leadership style and athletes’ satisfaction where’s the team performance has a high relationship between leadership style (r = .563, p < .05). The personal treatment has a high relationship between democratic style (r = .482, p < .05), the training and instruction has a high relationship between leadership style (r = .655, p < .05), and the individual performance has a high relationship between social support (r = .595, p < .05). In the nutshell, the athletes’ satisfaction has a high relationship between leadership style (r = .781, p < .05). The findings of this research emphasize the importance of the relationship between the coach leadership styles and the satisfaction of the athletes. A proper leadership style of a coach has a significant positive effect on athletes’ satisfaction. In the other words, when the coach has a negative leadership style, it decreases the athletes' satisfaction and the team performance in general.
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In-Text Citation: (Ismail et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Ismail, E., Razak, M. R. A., Bakar, A. Y. A., & Mahmood, H. N. (2020). The Leadership Style among Football Coaches in Iraqi’s Public Universities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(8), 153–161.
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