ISSN: 2222-6990
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Individual adaptive performance is among the prominent behaviours underlined as necessary for an organisation to function effectively. Therefore, the current study was conducted to identify the internal consistency of adaptive performance, which was adopted from the work of Charbonnier-Voirin and Roussel (2012) and adapted specifically in the context of the Malaysian education industry. It also included an examination of the association between readiness to change and career development with employee adaptive performance. To this end, the study was conducted at one of the public higher institutions established in Malaysia. The findings showed good internal consistency for the instrument adopted within the studied context, as well as a significant and positive association between readiness to change and career development with employee adaptive performance. Henceforth, this paper provides a better view for the use of the proposed instrument in order to encourage further in-depth research specifically on adaptive performance among lecturers. Additionally, a detailed analysis geared towards examining the relationship between readiness to change and career development with adaptive performance will be possible in the future, on top of the contributory effect of the current findings to the existing literature.
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In-Text Citation: (Iskandar, Abdul Rahim, & Arham, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Iskandar, A. I., Abdul Rahim, A. R., & Arham, A. F. (2020). Association Between Career Development and Readiness to Change with Adaptive Performance: A Preliminary Study Among Lecturers. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(9), 225-235.
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