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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Teachers’ Readiness to Accommodate Autistic Children in the Classrooms at International Schools

Noshini Uithayakumar, Norfishah Mat Rabi

Open access

This study’s aim is to understand teacher’s readiness to accommodate autistic children in classrooms at international schools. This study has recounted a problem where majority of teachers in international school are not ready to accommodate autistic children in their classroom, where teachers with no qualification or experience to teach these autistic children. This research has focused on interviews and observations on three teachers who are currently teaching at international schools. The transcript was codded according to themes and subthemes. The Creswell method was to analyze the data of the interview. The findings show that, most teachers at international are not competent to accommodate the autistic children in their respective classrooms based on their experience and qualification. As a conclusion, before an autistic child is put into an international school, the school must only accept the child if they are well equipped with facilities and well trained teachers to educated these special children. The study implicates that, all international schools who accepts autistic children into the school have to provide necessary training for the teaching staff on how to handle and accommodate these autistic children in the classroom.

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In-Text Citation: (Uithayakumar & Rabi, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Uithayakumar, N., & Rabi, N. M. (2020). Teachers’ Readiness to Accommodate Autistic Children in the Classrooms at International Schools. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(7), 831–837.