ISSN: 2222-6990
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The importance of moral values in the development of mankind has attracted the attention of researchers from various fields. However, moral values are often considered to be subjective. Therefore, this research will attempt to explore the universal concept of moral values that may be expressed through language structures. The qualitative approach is used to achieve the main objective of the research, choosing the analysis content method in the extraction of data through online databases and other related studies. The findings show that universal moral values (UMV) are based on shared basic code of principles or common beliefs held by people across all religion, socio-cultural and nation. Altogether, there are 86 components of UMV which are categorized under 4 interrelated clusters namely 1) the commitment to comply to an entity higher than oneself, 2) pure personality in terms of maintaining self-respect, discipline and responsibility, 3) Respecting and loving others, 4) caring for other living things and the environment All of these four clusters can be revealed through the Arab language structure via the analysis of morphemes as well as sentences that carry the above messages.
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In-Text Citation: (Musling et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Musling, M. N., Ismail, M. Z., Rahman, M. R. A., & Amat, R. A. M. @. (2020). Universal Moral Values in Arabic Language Structure: A Concept, Component and Meaning. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(7), 852–868.
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