The changing business environment has propelled marketers to use different kinds of marketing strategies to achieve their organizational goals and celebrity endorsement is often adopted by corporations to attain marketing objectives. Despite the importance of celebrity endorsement in making products more noticeable, attractive and compelling to consumers, there are little or no studies that specifically investigate how endorsing celebrities influence young consumers to purchase L’Oreal’s skin-care products in Malaysia. Thus, the study is undertaken to investigate how celebrity endorsement influences young consumer’s purchase intentions of L’Oreal’s skin-care products. The study aims to ascertain whether there is a correlation between celebrity endorsement in advertising campaigns and young consumer’s purchase intentions of L’Oreal’s skin-care products in Selangor. Young consumers were selected because they tend to be more beauty and image conscious. Random sampling procedure is used in this study to select the subjects. A questionnaire instrument is used to measure celebrity endorsement, source attractiveness, source expertise, source trustworthiness and consumer’s purchase intentions. The data collected through the questionnaire instrument answered the research questions in this study namely, a) what is the impact of celebrity endorsement on young consumer’s purchase intentions of L’Oreal’s skin-care products? b) How do endorsers’ characteristics influence young consumer’s purchase intentions of L’Oreal’s skin-care products? This study was designed based on Ohanian’s Source Credibility Theory because the effectiveness of an advertisement is determined by the source’s credibility, attractiveness and expertise. On analyzing the data using Statistical Package for Social Sciences, the results found that celebrity endorsement and celebrity characteristics enhance young consumers’ purchase intentions of L’Oreal’s skin-care products. The implication of this finding is that the brand managers of L’Oreal should pay more attention to the expertise of the endorsers and select the celebrities based on their level of experience and knowledge to make correct claims about the advertised brand instead of selecting celebrities solely based on their physical appearance and attractiveness.
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In-Text Citation: (Adzharuddin, Salvation, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Adzharuddin, N. A., Salvation, M. (2020). The Influence of Celebrity Endorsement on Young Consumers’ Purchase Intention: The Case of L’oreal’s Skin-Care Products. International Journal Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(8), 733-751.
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