ISSN: 2222-6990
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The study examines the impact of service quality on satisfaction of bank customers in Saudi Arabia. Prior studies carried out using the socioeconomic characteristics of developing and developed economies have put forward that service quality significantly impact customer satisfaction. However, this assertion is yet to be established empirically in context of the socioeconomic characteristics of Saudi Arabia. This gap provides the ground for the study. A sample of 415 bank customers was selected using convenience sampling technique. The Cronbach alpha test of reliability and regression were the analytic approaches used to assess the data. The results indicate that the five attributes (responsiveness, tangible, reliability, empathy, and assurance) that were used to measure services quality significantly influence customer satisfaction. On the basis of this, the study concludes that service quality significantly impact satisfaction of bank customers in Saudi Arabia.
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In-Text Citation: (Franklin, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Franklin, U. E. (2020). The Impact of Service Quality on Satisfaction of Bank Customers: The Saudi Arabian Case. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(8), 763-771.
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