The purpose of the study is to investigate whether innovative approach called Guided Cooperative Flipped Classroom can be accepted by students during the learning of Molecular Orbital. Molecular Orbital theory is one of the topics teach in Inorganic Chemistry. This course is enrolled by pre-service science teacher major or minor in chemistry. Although Flipped Classroom has been widely accepted, this is the first time the approach experienced by the students. Unlike other courses, students always have a negative perception toward chemistry course, for example chemistry subject is difficult to understand and is not easy to pass. Case study approach was adopted to discover students’ acceptance on the approach through survey and informal interview. The study was carried out with four guided learning steps: Intentional Content Approach, Higher Order Thinking Activities, Sharing and Feed-Forward Feedback Session and Reflection Session. In general, majority of the students perceived positive direction towards the approach and belief that the approach support and engage them in learning inorganic chemistry much better compare to traditional way of learning. Some of the students feel that, this is the first time that they learn chemistry meaningfully. It can be concluded that the Guided Cooperative Flipped Classroom is acceptable as an alternative approach in understanding Molecular Orbital Theory.
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In-Text Citation: (Aris et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Aris, S. R. S., Salleh, M. F. M., & Ismail, M. H. (2020). Guided Cooperative Flipped Classroom Approach in Learning Molecular Orbital Theory. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(14), 200–212.
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