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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Effects of Empowermnet, Work Culture, Responsibility and Motivation on the Professional Commitment of Vocational High School Teachers in Central Jakarta Municipality

Eryatun Koswara, Ma’ruf Akbar, Yetti Supriyati

Open access

The aim of this research is to examine the effects of empowerment, work culture, responsibility and motivation on the professional commitment of vocational high school teachers in Central Jakarta Municipality. This research attempts to answer the question of the professional commitment of vocational high school teachers. This research examined the organizational citizenship behaviours of 211 vocational high school teachers chosen from a vocational high school teacher population in Central Jakarta Municipality using a quantitative approach and path analysis method. The results of the hypothesis testing show that empowerment has a direct positive effect on professional commitment; work culture has a direct positive effect on professional commitment; responsibility has a direct positive effect on professional commitment; and motivation has a direct positive effect on professional commitment. Therefore, to improve the professional commitment of vocational high school teachers in Central Jakarta, empowerment, work culture, responsibility and motivation should be improved.