ISSN: 2222-6990
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The success or failure of universities are very much dependent on the contribution and involvement of its academics. In fact, in the era of globalization, many universities, may it be public or private learning institutions are not only required to produce quality human capital but also to provide training to the graduates in meeting the market demand. They need to focus on infusing values that are beneficial industrially and to the society at large. Previous studies evident that organizational learning is one of the important aspects of organizational factors that can direct the behavior and attitudes of the employees to improve their work performance. It may act as a catalyst to influence performance of organizations too. In order to remain relevant and competitive, universities need to focus on continuous learning and use of knowledge, which can serve as a critical key to success for facilitating individuals and team in any organizations. However, an overriding question is: to what extent organization learning are observed in most universities in Malaysia? Therefore, this study was intended to investigate the relationship between organizational learning and work performance of the academic staff in higher learning institutions. There were about 122 academic staff from a few selected higher learning intuitions, participated in this study. The result indicated that majority of the academic staff felt that their level of work performance was high, particularly on task and contextual performance. Interestingly, the respondents perceived that their universities practice high level of organizational learning, particularly on the aspects of system perspective and openness and experimentation. The finding also revealed that there was a moderate relationship between organizational learning and work performance. The multiple regression models were successful in indicating that the predictor variable accounted for 9.1% of the explained adjusted variance in work performance. The discussion addresses practical implication and future research direction.
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In-Text Citation: (Hamzah et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Hamzah, S. A. S., Nordin, N., & Mustafa, S. M. S. (2020). The Influence of Organizational Learning on Work Performance among Academic Staffs in Private Higher Learning Institutions. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(14), 224–237.
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