This study examines the role of principals as facilitators of change in relation to the integration of technology in schools. For the purpose of this this study The Change Facilitator Style (CFS) model is used to identify leadership styles among school principals as change facilitators. On the other hand, Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) model is used to identify the level of technology integration within the features of a technology-integrated learning environment. This quantitative study is based on survey method to gather data from 580 participants. The instrument used for the study consisted of the dimensions of principals style as change facilitators based on three categories, namely Initiators, Managers, and Responders. Each category is assessed based on three sub-dimensions, namely the dimension of concern for people, organizational efficiency, and strategic sense. While the aspect of technology integration in the classroom is analysed based on the level of technology integration according to five stages of implementation, namely entry-level, adoption level, adaptation level, infusion level, and transformation level. In addition, the integration of technology was assessed based on the five characteristics of the learning environment, namely active learning, collaborative learning, constructive learning, authentic learning, and authentic learning. The findings show that the change facilitator style of different categories were evaluated between very low to high based on the different dimensions and categories. While the findings for the integration of technology were evaluated as high based all levels. The findings suggest that the principals have different styles in carrying out the role as change facilitator. The findings also suggest that there is a significant relationship between principal change management practices and the level of technology integration among teachers secondary schools of the central zone in peninsular Malaysia.
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In-Text Citation: (Isa, Nor, & Abdul Wahab, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Isa, W. M. K. W., Nor, M. Y. M., & Abdul Wahab, J. L. (2020). Relationship between Principal Change Management and Teacher Technology Integration in Schools. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(11), 590-605
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