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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

A Conceptual Paper Approach of the influence of Risk-taking Orientation Behaviour towards Ex-Juvenile Entrepreneurs Delinquent Behavioral Change in Katsina State, Nigeria

Bilyaminu Usman, Sharizal Hashim

Open access

The approach and entrepreneurship literatures propose that an entrepreneurial orientation (EO) influences firm’s performance with inconsistent empirical findings. Also, present-day entrepreneurship orientation risk-taking orientation dimension discussions revealed the importance and the positive influence of risk-taking orientation towards organizational performance and profitability. Nevertheless, discussion of risk-taking orientation influences at the individual levels such as delinquent entrepreneurs still scarce, specifically in the context of ex-juvenile entrepreneurs. The conceptual paper proposed the framework that, risk-taking orientation behaviors might influence ex-juvenile entrepreneurial activities and their delinquent behavioral change. We assume risk-taking orientation looks to replicate the desired reconciliation amongst the delinquent populace and entrepreneurial risk-taking orientation as an alternative to delinquent behaviors. Due to a lack of clarification, we provide a conceptual framework to create awareness and understanding of ex-juvenile entrepreneurial risk-taking orientation behaviors by suggesting to employ qualitative methods to gain insight into the phenomenon. Lastly, the conceptual paper concludes by suggesting some interpretations for future research to dig out the study empirically and theoretically on the individual EO risk-taking orientation behaviors among the delinquent populace (ex-juvenile entrepreneurs) context. This conceptual paper provides fresh knowledge about the IEO, risk-taking orientation potentiality amongst the delinquent entrepreneurs’ self-development, and insight into the entrepreneurship context.

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In-Text Citation: (Usman, & Hashim, 2020)
To Cite this Article:Usman, B., & Hashim, S. (2020). A Conceptual Paper Approach of the influence of Risk-taking Orientation Behaviour towards Ex-Juvenile Entrepreneurs Delinquent Behavioral Change in Katsina State, Nigeria. Interational Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(9), 319-332