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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Understanding the Elements of Developing a Harmonious Society in the Literary Masterpiece of Kalilah wa Dimnah

Pabiyah Toklubok, Kamariah Kamarudin, Zaitul Azma Zainon Hamzah, Raihan Marzuki

Open access

The Abbasid caliphate was the longest reigning caliphate in the history of Islamic civilization. The reign of the Abbasid caliphate began in 132H but collapsed in 656H. The turbulent situation that has plagued the Abbasids has prompted some authors to produce literary works in various genres, both prose and poetry. Among them was Abdullah Ibn al-Muqaffa’ who shifted his focus towards translating the Kalilah Wa Dimnah (KWD) book from Persian to Arabic. This effort is aimed at educating Abbasi leaders and communities by channeling moral values through the KWD book. This work is considered a masterpiece because it contains significant content based on moral values and guidance conveyed implicitly through the voices of animal characters. A total of five stories in the book of KWD was analyzed based on the moral values highlighted by Imam al-Ghazali. The eight aspects of these moral values are identified and classified based on four essential elements namely al-Hikmah (wisdom), al-Syaja'ah (courage), al-'Iffah (purity) and al-'Adlu (justice). The results of this study indicated that the author aligned al-Hikmah elements with the wisdom of setting strategies and the ability to trigger accurate thoughts. Meanwhile, Al-Syaja'ah elements were in line with the values of bravery in overpowering the enemy as well as inferiority. The al-'Iffah elements were in line with mutual aid values as opposed to maliciousness. The al-'Adlu element was next in line with unconditional love and generosity values. It can be concluded that these four elements contributed to translating the values contained in the KWD and in turn served as a guide to the general readership of leaders in exercising their responsibility to their communities in the pursuit of developing a harmonious society.

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In-Text Citation: (Maon, Hassan, & Jamaluddin, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Toklubok, P., Kamarudin, K., Hamzah, Z. A. Z., & Marzuki, R. (2020). Understanding the Elements of Developing a Harmonious Society in the Literary Masterpiece of Kalilah wa Dimnah. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(11), 1-15.