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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Resistance of the Urban Poor in Selangor, Malaysia to Get Out of the Shackles of Poverty

Siti Nor Ain Mayan, Radieah Mohd Nor

Open access

The income of households in Malaysia is classified into three groups namely the top 20 percent (T20), middle 40 percent (M40), and bottom 40 percent (B40). The B40 group refers to households earning less than RM 4,850 per month making it the lowest households class in Malaysia. This group is incapable to accommodate the cost of living especially in urban areas as their monthly income is insufficient to make ends meet. This research examines the challenges faced by the B40 group to elevate their income and standard of living to take them out of the poverty group. The methodology of this research employed face-to-face interviews. 20 respondents were chosen randomly from five selected areas in the state of Selangor. These five areas were Bandar Petaling, Petaling, Sungai Buloh, Damansara and Bukit Raja. Based on the content analysis conducted, various challenges have been found namely the problem of single mothers, the lack of skills and education, health problems, cost of living, and individual attitude. To overcome these challenges, a number of suggestions are proposed which are exposure to existing skills programmes, increasing the quality of healthcare, controlling the price of goods, and regular visits to living areas of the B40 group.

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In-Text Citation: (Mayan, & Nor, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Mayan, S. N. A., & Nor, R. M. (2020). The Resistance of the Urban Poor in Selangor, Malaysia to Get Out of the Shackles of Poverty. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(9), 602-611.