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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Challenge of Examination Malpractices in Institutions of Higher Learning in Kenya

Julia Situma, Misiko Wasike

Open access

The main objective of university education is to furnish the student with the requisite knowledge and skills to enable them to contribute effectively to the national development effort. This training demands periodic assessment and evaluation in form of examinations in order to ascertain the level of knowledge and competence of students. The purpose of this study was to investigate and establish the types, causes and implications of Examination malpractices in institutions of higher learning in Kenya. The study was carried out in five public universities in Kenya using the descriptive survey research design. The study used university students, administrators in charge of Examinations at the university and chairpersons of academic departments as respondents. The study sampled fifty students, four administrators in the Examination offices and five chairpersons of five departments from each of the five Universities. Therefore the total number of respondents used in the study was 250 students, 20 administrators in charge of Examinations and 25 chairpersons of departments totaling to 295 respondents. Data was collected by use of Interview schedule and Questionnaires. University Students and examination administrators filled open-ended Questionnaires while chairpersons of academic departments were interviewed. Data was analyzed qualitatively and presented thematically. The findings indicate that the main types of Exam malpractices include: exam leakage, collusion, unauthorized writings, copying, impersonation among others. The findings show that some of the causes of exam malpractices include: poor preparation for exams, lack of integrity, financial gain, sexual favor, for promotion. The study findings further show that the implications of exam malpractices are: undeserving students awarded degrees, graduates who cannot perform quality of service in the country compromised. The study concluded that actions need to be taken to save our institutions of higher learning from this vice. This study recommends the following to curb the problem: tough penalties for the culprits, moderation of exams, installation of CCTV cameras, improve on invigilation among others.

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In-Text Citation: (Situma, & Wasike, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Situma, J., & Wasike, M. (2020). The Challenge of Examination Malpractices in Institutions of Higher Learning in Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(9), 699-710.