ISSN: 2222-6990
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The purpose of this study is to analyse the needs of the Special Needs Career Transition Program in school. The Special Needs Students Career Transition Program was implemented to prepare the Special Needs Students with basic and vocational skills as well as individual employment aspects. The objective of the study were to (1) Identify the level of preparedness among Special Education Teachers in the implementation of the Career Transition Program for Special Needs students in the Special Education Integrated Program (SEIP), (2) Identify the Special Needs students preparedness level in implementing the Career Transition Program at SEIP, and (3) Identify the policy compliance and guidelines in the implementation of the Career Transition Program at SEIP. The research methodology uses the literature review method and case study to answer the research questions. The sample was used to review the case studies of implementation of the Career Transition Program in schools and the literature review was analysed thematically according to the objectives of the study. The findings show that the preparedness of special education teachers needs to be enhanced with the implementation of the basic skills courses and the Malaysian Skills Certificate (MSC). Special Needs students (SNS) need to be trained and equipped with 3 basic skills (Reading, Writing, Counting), Vocational Basic skills, Basic self-management skills, Social skills, Communication skills, Problem solving skills, Basic technology skills and deep interest in the field before participating in the Career Transition Program. Meanwhile, the aspects of compliance with the Career Transition Program Guidelines are well-respected and need to be further enhanced among school administrators. It is proposed in the future, all the Special Education teachers must have the Malaysian Skills Certificate and Vocational Skills courses in order to enhance their competence. SNS should be educated with a high degree of self-determination and a deep interest in the areas of interest. Systematic Career Transition Program modules and frameworks need to be developed to explain SNS direction upon completion of the Career Transition Program. It is hoped that this study will provide ideas and contributions in streamlining and implementing the Career Transition Program in the future.
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In-Text Citation: (Shaffeei, Razalli, Hanif, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Shaffeei, K., Razalli, A. R., Hanif, M. H. M. (2020). Career Transition Program for Special Need Students. A Preliminary Survey. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(9), 736-746.
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