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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Peer Feedback in Technology-Supported Learning Environment: A Comprehensive Review

Catherine Nguoi Chui Lam, Hadina Bt. Habil

Open access

In this paper, a review of literature was undertaken to explore peer feedback studies in technology-supported learning environment. The objectives are to: (1) find out the extent to which technology-supported peer feedback has been studied in different contexts of teaching and learning (2) identify the opportunities/ affordances offered by technology-supported peer feedback activity and (3) summarize the potential challenges/ constraints of technology-supported peer feedback activity. Articles related to peer feedback practices conducted with the use of technology were searched from two databases: ScienceDirect and Taylor & Francis Online from 2015 to 2019. Of the final 33 articles selected for full review, 25 studies (75.8%) were conducted in the context of student writing and the three most productive research lines identified are different types/ characteristics of peer feedback, students’ perceptions on their experience of doing peer feedback activity and the impacts of peer feedback on students’ learning performance. Five most dominant affordances of technology-supported peer feedback activity were identified as follows: (1) opportunities to get high-quality feedback for student learning (2) promoting students’ deep self-reflection (3) convenience and ease (4) creating a safe and supportive learning environment and (5) opportunities to get peer support through interaction. Meanwhile, four main challenges were summarized as: (1) students’ lack of confidence to provide feedback (2) the lack of constructive peer feedback (3) students’ lack of trust in their peers’ ability to provide feedback and (4) students’ lack of active response to peer feedback. Some recommendations arising from the review are also discussed in this paper.

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In-Text Citation: (Lam, & Habil, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Lam, C. N. C., & Habil, H. Bt. (2020). Peer Feedback in Technology-Supported Learning Environment: A Comprehensive Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(9), 762-784.