ISSN: 2222-6990
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These questions of ijtihad, taqlid and sect more or less influence community’s stance to practice of religion. They are always discussed along with community’s concern to their religious affairs. This is because the nas and evidences of syarak are limited to what revealed upon Rasulullah S.A.W more than 1400 years ago but issues and problems of the people keep on developing. Situation of Muslim community in the world from time to time some also differ from what experienced by the Companions during revelation era. Thus, any call to shut off the door of ijtihad and being enough with what uttered by mujtahid scholars are seen as a stance contradicting with attributes of Islam which are divinely, universal, flexible and realistic. Therefore, the objective of this writing is to evaluate points of those who claim that the door of ijtihad is shut off by decease of the four imams of sect. Methods employed in this writing were of qualitative research. Data were collected from books discussing on this matter either specifically such as in Usul Fiqah and Maqasid or generally such as in Fiqah and others. Findings from this study are the claim that ijtihad is only limited to the four imams of sect is contradicting with the stance of those imams, violating the nature of scholarship, and differing from historical fact and reality of scholars’ practice.
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In-Text Citation: (Idris, & Ibrahim, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Idris, A. R., & Ibrahim, B. (2020). Analysis for Claim that Door of Ijtihad is Closed in Muslim Community. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(9), 898-911.
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