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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Personality of Al-Tabari and his Expertise in The Field of Al-Quran And Qiraat

Nor Hafizi bin Yusof, Fatimah Zaharah Binti Ismail, Mohd A'tarahim bin Mohd Razali, Mohd Faiz Hakimi Bin Mat Idris, Ahmad Fauzi Bin Hassan

Open access

Imam al-Tabari was a known figure in the Quranic interpretation. He was also an expert in qiraat. This is reflected in his knowledge of qiraat and his style of debating the qiraat in his interpretation of Jami’ al-Bayan ‘an Ta’wil Ay al-Qur’an. The scholarly discussion of the qiraat in the interpretation had been made by some scholars through the books of Ulum al-Quran and Knowledge of Qiraat. However, during the compilation of the opinions of these figures, al-Tabari’s views were not debated in depth although he was known as al-Qurra’ as well as a famous mufassir. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the credibility, expertise and contribution of Imam al-Tabari in qiraat and Qur’anic knowledge. This information was collected and analyzed by discussing the scholars’ views of him and his writings and beliefs in qiraat. All data were collected through a literature study and analyzed using inductive and deductive methods. The results show that al-Tabari’s expertise in qiraat knowledge was evidenced by his narration in qiraat knowledge, the writing of qiraat books and detailed qiraat debates in his interpretations. In conclusion, besides a mufassir, Imam al-Tabari also has his own choice of qiraat (ikhtiyar) and writings in the field of qiraat and deserved to be called a Qiraat scholar (al-Qurra’).

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In-Text Citation: (Yusof,, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Yusof, N. H. B., Ismail, F. Z. B., Razali, M. A. B. M., Idris, M. F. H. B. M., Hassan, A. F. B. (2020). The Personality of Al-Tabari and his Expertise in The Field of Al-Quran And Qiraat. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(9), 972-980.