ISSN: 2222-6990
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Over the last decade, Entrepreneurial cognitions is gradually receiving attention globally in the entrepreneurship discourse. This is because decisions people make concerning the development of entrepreneurial businesses are key in the performance of the business. The present study examined the relationship between cognitive styles (Intuitive and analytical thinking) and entrepreneurial decision-making approaches (causation and effectuation) amongst community participants. Two hundred and seventy-two (272) participants were conveniently sampled from the La-Nkwantanang municipality in Accra were given questionnaires to assess whether a relationship exist between entrepreneurial cognitions and decision-making approaches. It was observed that both cognitive styles (analytical and intuitive) significantly predicted entrepreneurial decision-making approaches. Demographic factors; gender, education and business experience also influenced the choice of entrepreneurial decision-making approaches (causation and effectuation). Limitations of the study and their implications for future research and practice are discussed.
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In-Text Citation: (Okyireh, & Okyireh, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Okyireh, M. A. A., & Okyireh, R. O. (2020). Entrepreneurial Cognitions and Decision-Making: A Study of Community Participants in The La-Nkwantang Muncipality, Ghana. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(10), 1-21.
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