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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Counterproductive Work Behaviour: The Role of Work Overload and Organizational Justice Dimensions among Employees in Nigeria Private Sector Organizations

Collins I. Nnaebue, Chukwuemeka E. Etodike, Nneka I. Nwangwu, Mary C. Ibenyenwa

Open access

Due to the growing employment rate, employees’ voices may not be heard but they speak in salient ways especially regarding their organizational climate as regards work load and uneven distribution of organizational rewards and punishments. Considering that these circumstances elicit employees’ reaction, this study explored the roles of work overload and organizational justice dimensions on counterproductive work behaviour (CWB). The design was correlation design while regression statistics was used to analyze the predictive effects of work overload and organizational justice dimensions on CWB. Sample for the study was 85 employees, 44 males (51.8%) and 41 females (48.2%) drawn with the aid of purposive and cluster sampling. Participants’ ages range from 20 to 57 at an average age of 34.02 years. CWB scale, Distributive justice index, and Work overload scale were instruments for data collection. The result revealed that employees were high on counterproductive work behaviour and that the predictive effects of work overload on CWB was positive and significant at ?(3, 385) = .57*, p < .05 implying that with greater work overload on employees CWB increased proportionally. However, predictive effects of distributive justice (DJ) and procedural justice (PJ) were negative and significant at ?(3, 385) = .52 and .40, p < .05 respectively implying that as the justice dimensions (distributive and procedural) improved, CWB reduced proportionally. The study recommends that management of organizations should shun exploitation and enthrone fair treatment of employees across board irrespective of ethnic background, age, religion, and gender to reduce CWB and improve organizational efficiency.

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In-Text Citation: (Nnaebue, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Nnaebue, C. I. (2020). Counterproductive Work Behaviour: The Role of Work Overload and Organizational Justice Dimensions among Employees in Nigeria Private Sector Organizations. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(11), 1305–1317.