This research aims to study the development of English education in Kota Setar from 1909 to 1957. Before the colonization of the British, Kota Setar used informal education system. After the Bangkok Treaty 1909 was signed, Kedah was put under British influence. With that, the British have changed the administration system in Kedah especially in the English education in Kota Setar. This study uses qualitative methods by reference in libraries and archives. The information is obtained through primary and secondary sources. The primary source is from the analysis of documents such as the Annual Report, and Government Secretary (SUK) files from the National Archives. While the secondary sources obtained from scholarly papers from the National Archives, University of Malaya (UM), Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI) and National University of Malaysia (UKM). This study found that the British had made changes in English education and expanded English education in Kota Setar. Initially, Kota Setar implemented an informal and traditional education system such as indirect learning from pondok and mosques. After the British occupation, English education system has given the local community the opportunity in learning English to improve their standard of living. Therefore, the study was conducted to review the development of English education brought in by the British to help improve the state's administration as well as improving the standard of living of the local community in Kota Setar, Kedah.
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In-Text Citation: (Najib, & Ariffin, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Najib, M. Q. A. M., & Ariffin, K. (2020). The Development of English Education in Kota Setar, 1909-1957. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(9), 1011-1022.
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