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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

How the Unique Industry-Specific Measures of Service Quality and Brand Image Can Develop Customer Loyalty in Automotive After-Sales Service

Rawiyah Abd Hamid, Zainil Hanim Saidin, Wan Afezah Wan Abdul Rahman

Open access

The relationship between service quality and customer loyalty has been the focus of service organizations for decades when pursuing competitiveness and profitability. Albeit being the focus of research for years, the customer’s perception of the measures of service quality according to specific industry dimensions and contexts is still a major argument. As such, this study aimed to investigate service quality in the context of automotive after-sales service, specifically that provided by Malaysian national carmakers’ service providers. This study also evaluated the role of the national carmakers’ brand image and how it impacts the level of customer loyalty. This study found that national carmakers should focus on customer service and technical quality in order to achieve a higher quality of service, as well as strengthen their image to ensure customers return for the subsequent service and secure new vehicle sales. This study’s primary data was obtained from questionnaires involving 321 respondents. Statistical analysis using the SPSS software was performed on the data. Empirical findings have provided insights for carmakers, especially after-sales service, on the importance of service quality, especially the element of customer service, technical quality and a strong image that captures customers’ loyalty.

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In-Text Citation: (Saidin, Abdul Rahman, & Abd Hamid, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Saidin, Z. H., Abdul Rahman, W. A. W., & Abd Hamid, R. (2020). How the Unique Industry-Specific Measures of Service Quality and Brand Image Can Develop Customer Loyalty in Automotive After-Sales Service. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(11), 847-865.