ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The emergence of computer and ICT decades ago has gradually changes the lives of every individual in all parts of the globe. Through the use of internet and technology in career counselling services and resources, both counsellors and clients are affected, both positively and negatively, which can assist career counsellors and practitioners in finding ways to enhance their services. Hence, this systematic literature review paper will discuss on how technology-assisted career counselling is applied. The advantages and challenges were identified. Scopus, Science direct and Medline were searched to identify research published between 2010 and 2018 which had reporting about the application, advantages, challenges in technology-assisted career counselling services. A total 30 journal articles were selected for present a systematic review. The findings show that the advantages cover the expended reach of services, constant access, immediate response, generating info gathering and also the use of audio-visual. The challenges identified are self-limited thinking, lack of awareness, limited access to internet, digital illiteracy, and quality of information, confidentiality and client’s urgent needs. Implications of this paper is also discussed on how the role of career counsellors and practitioners; researchers and educators are emphasized in order to enhance counselling services for current and future use and references. The emergence of computer and ICT decades ago has gradually changes the lives of every individual in all parts of the globe. Through the use of internet and technology in career counselling services and resources, both counsellors and clients are affected, both positively and negatively, which can assist career counsellors and practitioners in finding ways to enhance their services. Hence, this systematic literature review paper will discuss on how technology-assisted career counselling is applied. The advantages and challenges were identified. Scopus, Science direct and Medline were searched to identify research published between 2010 and 2018 which had reporting about the application, advantages, challenges in technology-assisted career counselling services. A total 30 journal articles were selected for present a systematic review. The findings show that the advantages cover the expended reach of services, constant access, immediate response, generating info gathering and also the use of audio-visual. The challenges identified are self-limited thinking, lack of awareness, limited access to internet, digital illiteracy, and quality of information, confidentiality and client’s urgent needs. Implications of this paper is also discussed on how the role of career counsellors and practitioners; researchers and educators are emphasized in order to enhance counselling services for current and future use and references.
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In-Text Citation: (Zainudin, et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Zainudin, Z. N., Hassan, S. A., Abu Talib, M., Ahmad, N. A., Yusop, Y. M., & Asri, A. S. (2020). Technology-Assisted Career Counselling: Application, Advantages and Challenges as Career Counselling Services and Resources. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(11), 67-93.
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