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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Instituting of Kindergarten Gifted Education Program in the Philippines

Adelaila J. Leano, Arnel C. Malano

Open access

This study assessed the institution of kindergarten gifted education program in the Philippines. It specifically focused on implementation of the following areas: (1) establishment of gifted education program, (2) selection policies, and (3) placement prerequisites for kinder pupils as gifted and talented. Descriptive survey method was applied with data collection procedures through interviews and documentation. Instruments comprised checklists, and questionnaires. The participants were principals, teachers and parents of gifted and talented kindergarten pupils of public schools with recognized gifted education program. Statistical tools include frequency count, percentage, weighted mean, and rating scale of four-point ranking system with descriptive interpretations. Findings show that principals, teachers and parents equally noted a “very evident” perception level on program establishment. Participants respectively viewed the execution of teacher hiring and selection policies as “very evident”. As a separate group, however, they only perceived the compliance to selection and placement policies on an “evident” degree. Findings imply a positive affirmation of participants for program initialization. However, each participant-group still perceived the necessity for advanced and apposite educational practices to improve the founding practices of Kindergarten gifted education program. It is recommended that parallel investigation be done to appraise other gifted education services.

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In-Text Citation: (Leano & Malano, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Leano, A. J., & Malano, A. C. (2020). Instituting of Kindergarten Gifted Education Program in the Philippines. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(12), 662–686.