ISSN: 2222-6990
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Reflecting on what is currently happening to artistic research in an academic setting, we identified three domains of knowledge that must be interpreted appropriately. In the present article, these three domains of knowledge to which we refer are covered the way we think about art, the way art is processed, and the art works itself. The way we think about art is closely related to the profile of knowledge which is philosophically known as ontology. The way art to be processed is closely related to the structure of knowledge which is philosophically known as epistemology. Meanwhile, the art works itself is closely related to the value of knowledge which is philosophically known as axiology. These three aspects play a role in determining the artistic research paradigms carried out in an academic environment. Based on literature review, we have classified artistic research into two paradigms. The first paradigm, we called artistic as research, in which this notion is representation that artistic works is the production of knowledge. The second paradigm we call artistic as a method, in which this notion is triggered from the understanding that artistic works can be expressed based on research design. Our main motivation to promote two paradigms of the artistic research is to further develop artistic research in conducting scholarly communication. Finally, this article specifically describes how artistic practice and research in academic settings can come together.
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In-Text Citation: (Djahwasi, & Saidon, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Djahwasi, H. R., & Saidon, Z. L. (2020). Artistic Research: Artistic as Research vs Artistic as Method. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(11), 292-309.
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