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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Influence of Project Planning Practices on Implementation of Constituency Development Funded Projects in Kericho County.

Jacqueline Chepngeno, Josphat Kwasira

Open access

The concept of devolution has enhanced the formulation and implementation of projects in both rural and urban areas. The success factor in this project is about project planning practices that are supposed to enhance better governance of these projects. This study aimed at determining the influence of project planning practices on implementation of constituency development funded projects in the Kericho, Kenya. Since independence, constituencies in Kenya have been the lower unit of administration in relation to funding the central government. A number of projects have been initiated and only it is about the best practices that should be applied for the success of the projects. The study was guided by the following specific objective: to examine the influence of project planning on implementation of constituency development funded projects in Kericho, Kenya. The study was built on the planning theory. This study used descriptive survey design. The accessible population comprised of 27 CDF officers, 21 project managers, 111 project committee members and 30 ward administrators. Sample size of 127 was obtained using Krejcie and Morgan formula for finite population. This study employed stratified and simple random sampling in selecting the respondents. The researcher used questionnaire to collect primary data. The data collected was processed through editing, coding and classification. Data were analyzed by employing descriptive statistics and inferential analysis. Descriptive statistics consisted of frequency, percentages, mean, and standard deviation. Inferential statistics used were correlation and multiple regressions. Data were presented by use of frequency tables. The study findings indicated that there is significant influence of project planning practices and implementation of constituency development funded projects in Kericho County (?1=0.311, p=0.0001<0.05). The study concluded that project planning practices influences positively towards implementation of constituency development funded projects in Kericho. The study recommends that the committee members should always approve the project management plan, the review execution of the planning project status before it proceeds to the next phase signify the end of the planning Phase.

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In-Text Citation: (Chepngeno, & Kwasira, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Chepngeno, J., & Kwasira, J. (2020). Influence of Project Planning Practices on Implementation of Constituency Development Funded Projects in Kericho County. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(11), 310-322.