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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Examination of the Correlation between Scientific Attitudes And Inquiry Learning Skills in Science among Secondary School Students

Ijlal Ocak, Gurbuz Ocak, Burak Olur

Open access

The rapid development of technology and science in our time has changed the teaching activities, which is knowledge transfer of classical education systems. Today's education systems place more emphasis on student-centered approaches than teacher-centered ones. At the basis of such approaches, instead of passively passing knowledge to learners, it aims to involve students in the process, to teach them how to access information, and to make them scientific literate individuals. These approaches are aimed to provide students with the attitudes and skills necessary to solve the problems students will encounter in school and after school, not memorizing the information in the science courses. Individual attitudes are closely related to how they will behave in different situations. Individuals with scientific attitudes are expected to have a researcher and critical personality and to stay away from prejudices. The high attitudes of students towards science courses will have a positive impact on the lifetime of learning and the development of a researcher and a critical personality. The Science curriculum that is being used in our country has also been developed and put into practice on the basis of that students will construct the knowledge in their minds, that is students are in the center of the learning activity. The aim of this study is to investigate the correlation between the scientific attitude levels of secondary school students and inquiry learning perceptions. For this purpose, data were collected by using the Scientific Attitude Scale and Inqury Learning Skills for Sciece scale from 461 students who were studying in Afyonkarahisar central district in 2017-2018 academic year selected by random sampling method. As a result of the statistical procedures performed on the data, a positive correlation was found between the scientific attitude levels of secondary school students and the inquiry learning perceptions of the students.

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In-Text Citation: (Ocak et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ocak, I., Ocak, G., & Olur, B. (2021). The Examination of the Correlation between Scientific Attitudes And Inquiry Learning Skills in Science among Secondary School Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(1), 58–66.