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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Fana 'As Stress Therapy According To Al-Ghazali Through Kitab Al-Arba'in Fi Usul Al-Din

N. S. Adam , S. H. S. Omar , R. Baru , M. S. Ali , M.S. Ismail , E. I. E. W. Zin , M. Z. Mat@Mohamad

Open access

Fana' according to the discipline of Sufism is a spiritual experience referring to the focus of strong memory only on the greatness and majesty of Allah SWT and blunt memory of other things. It is further strengthened by the fading feeling of dependence on anything other than Allah SWT. This study aims to analyse the concept of fana’ found in the discipline of Sufism and its ability to reduce the stress encountered by individuals in the Muslim community today based on the spiritual theory of al-Ghazali. This qualitative study uses the method of data collection by making the works that have been produced by al-Ghazali as the main reference in addition to expert interviews of related issues. All data obtained were analysed to produce research findings. Studies have found that the concept of fana’ according to al-Ghazali is the ability to reduce the stress faced by individuals. This is because, the ability of the individual to maintain the memory of the heart only to Allah SWT, could eliminate the stress feelings that strike within. Study concludes that the concept of fana’ has positive implications in daily life that serve as spiritual therapy in reducing stress.

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In-Text Citation: (Adam et. al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Adam, N. S., Omar, S. H. S., Baru, R., Ali, M. S., Ismail, M. S., Zin, E. I. E. W., & Mat@Mohamad, M. Z. (2020). Fana ’As Stress Therapy According To Al-Ghazali Through Kitab Al-Arba’in Fi Usul Al-Din. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Science, 10(11), 1282–1288.