The teaching of Islam as a whole suggests that community is a necessary part in building a united society.Through this good relationship, the country can be developed successfully and the people can enjoy the peace and prosperity. Therefore, it is very important to know the concept of relationship among the races, especially from the Islamic point of view. This article discusses the concept of relationship among the races from al-Taarruf's perspective. The objective of this article is to first review al-Ta'arruf' mening etymologically. Further discussion of al-Ta'arruf will also be seen based on explanations from the Quran, al-Sunnah and also explanations by Muslim scholars. On this topic the connection between takwa and al-Ta'arruf will also be scrutinize. The focus of the discussion will also touch on the wisdom of the existence of various tribes and nations. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, the qualitative method is used through the document analysis approach. The results show that al-Taakruf has a sense of diversification such as getting acquainted, interacting and managing various affairs. The study also shows that based on the Quran and al-Sunnah, Islamic teachings promote inter-racial relationship. The study also shows that the wisdom of multi-ethnicity is to appreciate the strength of each race. Finally, the study found that there is a strong relationship between religion and taarruf that leads to inter-racial cooperation.
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In-Text Citation: (Mamat et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article:Mamat, A., Basir@Ahmad, A., Yabi, S., & Othman, F. M. (2020). The Concept of Inter-Racial Relationship from Al-Ta’arruf Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(12), 15–25.
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