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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Application of the Requirements in Qiraat Mutawatirah as a Method in Determining the Validity of Data in Islamic-Based Research Methodology

Nur Sakiinah binti Ab Aziz, Mohamed Fathy Mohamed Abdelgelil, Mohd A'Tarahim bin Mohd Razali, Hussein Ali Abdullah al-Thulaia, Kasimah Kamaruddin

Open access

Qiraat mutawatirah is a qiraat (the style of reading) agreed by ulama (scholars) qiraat as sahih (valid) and is considered as a correct of reading al-Qur’an. Reading al-Qur’an by using qiraat mutawatirah is an ibadah (worship) and it will be rewarded. To ensure any qiraats is qiraat mutawatirah, scholars placed specific requirements to differentiates between valid qiraats with the questionable and made up qiraats. Scholars founds that the requirements stated can also be used to validate modern research in authenticate obtained data. This research focusing on two main objectives which are to identify the requirements for qiraat mutawatirah and to analyze the requirements to be used for validation in authenticating research data related to Islamic-based research methodology. What are the requirements for qiraat mutawatirah? Can the requirements still be used in the modern research context? To answer these questions, qualitative research method and content analyzing was used in this research. In conclusions, there are elements existed in the requirements such as sanad mutawatir, the number of narrator and the characteristic of the narrator can be used in validation of the research data and research about Islam.

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In-Text Citation: (Aziz et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Aziz, N. S. binti A., Abdelgelil, M. F. M., Razali, M. A. bin M., Al-Thulaia, H. A. A., & Kamaruddin, K. (2020). Application of the Requirements in Qiraat Mutawatirah as a Method in Determining the Validity of Data in Islamic-Based Research Methodology. International Journal of Academic in Research Business and Social Sciences, 10(12), 59–68.