ISSN: 2222-6990
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Sanad of al-Quran is a specific award for Muslim community in recitation of al-Quran. It is a high symbolism in Islam when a reciter of al-Quran can become an apprentice to the chain of narrators’ lineage for a narration of al-Quran reaching Rasulullah SAW. Meanwhile, Prophet SAW took recitation through talaqqi mushafahah from Jibril AS. The continuity of Quranic sanad from the time of Prophet SAW until present proves that the scholars have hardly strived to spread al-Quran according to methodology of Prophet SAW. Besides that, it is also a tradition regarded as one of the measures in preservation of al-Quran and its authenticity. Recently, the continuity of dissemination of Quranic sanad among Muslim community in Malaysia is seen encouraging. This is in virtue of existence of centres for Quranic studies who take their own initiatives to introduce to the community the Quranic studies with sanad. Positively, it can noourish the practice of Quranic recitation with sanad among the public community. Despite, it still receives criticism especially on the procedure of sanad conferment which is seen as incompatible with its original objective. Therefore, this tiny paper tries to moderate the posed views by discussing on sanad of al-Quran and its argumentation alongside the Qurra’ which focused on the procedure of its conferment based on methods of Qurra’ mutaqaddimin and mutaakhirrin. Resulting from the survey performed, it was proven that the Qurra’ had applied various methods in their teaching and it had academic justification with the objective of preserving the authenticity of sanad and the quality of its holder. Hopefully, it can complement previous writings, elevate clearer understanding on argumentation of Quranic sanad and in turn can educate the community on its importance in Quranic studies.
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In-Text Citation: (Hassan, 2020)
To Cite this Article:Hassan, A. Bin. (2020). Argumentation among Qurra’ Based on Sanad of Al-Quran. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(12), 78–90.
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