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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Work Culture and Turnover Intention: A Case of Restaurant Employees in Putrajaya, Malaysia

Hazrina Ghazali, Nurul Samhana Samsul Asmawi

Open access

The growth of restaurants industry in Malaysia also reflect the continuous growth of employees in this industry. Having many employees at workplace is parallel with salary and benefits that employers need to provide to their employees. On the other hands, to retain employees at workplace quite challenging because employees may quit due to many reasons. The purpose of this study is to examine how work culture influence turnover intention among employees in restaurant industry particularly casual dining- typed restaurants. After reviewing past literature, three independent variables were used in this study that are: consensual culture, hierarchical culture and developmental culture. This study used quantitative method and survey research design approach. A total of 210 respondents were distributed to employees who were currently working in selected casual dining restaurants at the largest mall in Southern Klang Valley. After data screening and checking, 165 valid responses were returned and analyzed by using SPSS version 23. Based on the results obtained from Pearson Correlation, result found that all three variables had weak association with turnover intention. All variables were found to be weak correlated. Hierarchical culture found to be weak positively correlated r= .141, p = .036. Similarly, Consensual culture also had weak positive relationship with turnover intention r=.055, p= .248 whereas developmental culture had negative relationship with r = -.122, p=.060. Additionally results also showed that majority of the employees disagreed that work culture in restaurants they worked for influenced their intention to leave a job. Next, comparing all the independent variables, developmental work culture had the highest mean score with 4.0370. Moreover, majority disagreed that they find their job easy when there is no leader assist with their job. While, another majority agreed that they felt sad when superior did not listen to their opinion. This statements indicated positive work culture has been practicing at casual dining restaurants. Findings from this study hoped to help managers and casual dining restaurant operator to highlight those work culture so that more positive environment can be sustained in this restaurant.

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In-Text Citation: (Ghazali & Asmawi, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Ghazali, H., & Asmawi, N. S. S. (2020). Work Culture and Turnover Intention: A Case of Restaurant Employees in Putrajaya, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(10), 1159–1177.