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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Use of Collaborative Learning to Develop Students’ Guided Writing and Oral Performance in Poetry

Rebecca Kamala Irathaia Dass, Azlina Abdul Aziz

Open access

The ultimate purpose of collaborative learning is to help pupils develop their learning skills by cooperating with their peers. Integrating them into creative writings like poetry has been proved to facilitate their writing and oral speaking skills. This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of collaborative learning in developing guided writing skills and oral performance in poetry for primary school students in Malaysia. The study was carried out through a quantitative approach by conducting pre- and post-assessment on thirty-six (36) Year 5 students at a school in Selangor. The results show that respondents’ scores on reading and oral skills have improved after the intervention. The results of the survey on respondents’ acceptability indicated that respondents had positive perceptions of the intervention. Results showed that collaborative learning helps students in developing better writing and oral skills thus developing their confidence and language skills in an environment that acquires creative learning. The limitations of past related studies and future directions for research and practice were further discussed.

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In-Text Citation: (Dass & Abdul Aziz, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Dass, R. K. I., & Abdul Aziz, A. (2021). The Use of Collaborative Learning to Develop Students’ Guided Writing and Oral Performance in Poetry. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(2), 91–108.