ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
During recent past years there has been huge investments in disaster mitigation measures in Pakistan. For community resilience many projects are running through financial support of Asian Development Bank and World Bank. Despite these hard efforts heavy human and economic losses are observed each year. To investigate the main cause of mismanagement, this study highlights inter/intra organization coordination challenges during disasters. A questionnaire survey has been conducted in rural coastal areas of Sindh, Pakistan to rank the top challenges of inter-agency relation management. Furthermore, focus group discussions are used to highlight main problems in disaster management among disaster agencies, government departments, international donor groups, NGOs and community members. For remedy of situation and mitigation of disasters, recommendations are provided. This study can be extended to other disaster prone districts of Pakistan and rest of the under developed countries, to serve the calamity struck communities with fewer economic and human losses.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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