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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Organizational Support on Strategic Vigilance in Ministry of Civil Service in Sultanate Oman

Abdullah Hamood Alhasani, Shaker Jaralla Alkshali

Open access

The study aimed to examine the impact of organizational support on strategic vigilance of Ministry of Civil Services in Sultanate Oman. The organizational support consisted of four dimensions: leadership support, organizational justice, decision-making participation and rewards. Meanwhile the strategic vigilance also consisted of four dimensions: technological vigilance, marketing vigilance, competitive vigilance and environmental vigilance. The study was conducted on a sample consisting of (147) managers. The study indicated that there are medium levels of organizational support and strategic vigilance, and that there is a significant impact of organizational support on strategic vigilance, and that there is an impact of organizational support on all types of strategic vigilance.