The study aimed to examine the impact of organizational support on strategic vigilance of Ministry of Civil Services in Sultanate Oman. The organizational support consisted of four dimensions: leadership support, organizational justice, decision-making participation and rewards. Meanwhile the strategic vigilance also consisted of four dimensions: technological vigilance, marketing vigilance, competitive vigilance and environmental vigilance. The study was conducted on a sample consisting of (147) managers. The study indicated that there are medium levels of organizational support and strategic vigilance, and that there is a significant impact of organizational support on strategic vigilance, and that there is an impact of organizational support on all types of strategic vigilance.
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In-Text Citation: (Alhasani & Alkshali, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Alhasani, A. H., & Alkshali, S. J. (2021). The Impact of Organizational Support on Strategic Vigilance in Ministry of Civil Service in Sultanate Oman. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Science, 11(5), 669–683.
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