ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
In this study, we investigated the beliefs of low-performing (high-risk) postsecondary students in the
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan concerning the assessment practices of their instructors. Data were
collected from 77 students identified by their colleges as low achieving in terms of their grade-point
average (GPA). We employed the Student Perceptions of Assessment Practices Inventory (SPAP), a
self-report instrument with 30 Likert-type items. Results indicate low-performing students believe
their instructors focus their assessment on three main areas: Expectations, the Communication of
Assessment Practices, and Organizational Assessment Practices. Moreover, we found evidence
suggesting low-performing students believe their instructors more often rely on traditional, paper-andpencil tests than on alternative assessment methods. Results also indicate there is no relationship
between student gender, subject area (college), and beliefs concerning assessment practices.
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