ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The problems that plagues the school system are so numerous that those who are within
the educational system are so overwhelmed not to talk of outsiders who are poised to ask
such a pertinent question like “are the principals leading the schools well?”. This paper
examined the quality valuation among the male and female principals in their choice of
leadership styles. The principals, the teachers and the student were all required to make
their contributions to ascertain what style of leadership that is commonly adopted by the
male on the one hand and the female principals on the other. The analysed data shows that
the female principals qualitatively involve the democratic style of leadership than the men.
The female principals also involve their staff in decision-making than does the male
counterpart, the male principals, who adopted the democratic and the autocratic styles of
leadership are quicker at the management of crises in schools than the female principals.
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