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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Role of Different Factors in the Promotion of Islamic Values among the Students of Secondary Level In Karachi, Pakistan

Waqar-un-Nisa Faizi, Anila Fatima Shakil, Sajjad Hayat Akhtar, Farida Azim Lodhi

Open access

Islam is a very vast religion and itself an educational system. Therefore there
were so many researches done in generating the basic knowledge of Islam.
This study also probed into a descriptive research to evaluate the role of
different factors like parents, teachers, text books etc in promoting Islamic
values among the students of secondary (IX-X) level. The main objective was
to clear the duty of parents in this regard. The secondary objective was to
evaluate the key place of teachers in inculcating Islamic values among the
students. Special focus was given to the secondary level education because at
this stage many sexual changes occur among children, so the training of
Islamic values is essential for a child. The population of the study was the
both male and female students of IX & X classes. By random sampling 20
Government schools were selected. 200 respondents including 100 boys and
100 girls (students) were selected for the collection of data. The researcher
had also taken the interview of renowned scholar. The data was collected
through questionnaire and interview. The researchers presented the statistical analysis by using simple percentage and correlation methods. The
results identified the importance of Islamic values and determined the role of
parents, teachers and other factors in promoting Islamic values. Mostly the
responses show that there is a great role of parents and teachers in this
regard but they are failed in their jobs. In the light of conclusion it was
recommended that parents should play their active role in providing Islamic
knowledge and text books should also be written in perspective of Islamic

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