ISSN: 2222-6990
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This research measures relationship among employee involvement and organizational
performance in Pakistani organizations. Three components of employees involvement
are studied which includes empowerment, team orientation and capacity development
as sub independent variables. Organizational Performance is measured through open
interval model results, rational model results and human relations model results. Data
collected from different organizations of Pakistan by using questionnaire with sample
size of 509. Correlation and regression analysis is used to establish relationship
amongst the variables and to prove three hypotheses. Results confirmed that
Organizational Performance increases ranges from 56% to 94% due to employees’
involvement in Pakistani Organizations. Furthermore, empowerment, team orientation
and capacity development contrives strong and positive relationship with
organizational performance. Organizations which delegate the authority to employees
perform well as compared to those who don’t. Organizations who allow their
employees to work in teams proved/shows more performance level than those who
have non-team based/individualistic structure. In Pakistan those organizations which
develop employee’s skills and knowledge have performed well as compared to those
organizations which don’t develop skills of their employees. Organizations must involve
their employees in decision making processes at all levels by delegating them powers
and authority, adapt team-based structures and develop capabilities of their employees
to perform well and to compete with prevailing trends in the market.
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