ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
All countries hope to achieve increasingly developments which grow fast. Nowadays many
developed countries are using strategy of industrial clusters development because they
influence the competitiveness of industrial clusters in the country as well as beyond national
borders and show new ways of thinking about the place of dealing and earning. Industrial
clusters influence competition through increasing of productivity based on settlement of
companies and providing quick guidelines for development and innovation and encouraging of
new business. Industrial cluster is one of new combined methods of various theories such as
theory of economic geography, regional economics, national innovation system, transmitting
knowledge theories, social capital theories and social networks .Recently this method in Iran
attracted many attentions based on industries compatible with mentioned method which
attempts to provide a better and competitive market place for the country, region and the
world. In this study literature of industrial clusters is initially reviewed and then data analysis
methods, used model and eventually results of this paper will be dealt with.
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