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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Evaluating Sexual Harassment against Female Workers in Higher Institutions in Anambra State, Nigeria

Elizabeth Ifeoma Anierobi, Chukwuemeka E. Etodike, Vivian Ngozi Nwogbo, Nkechi Uzochukwu Okeke , Mary Nneka Nwikpo

Open access

Sexual harassment like any negative job antecedents is one of the workplace vices which organizations attempt to checkmate in order to create conducive atmosphere for employees to thrive. In Nigeria, lack of legislative efforts and enforcement of extant laws have increased vulnerability. This study therefore attempts to evaluate the incidence and the impacts it may have on the workers which most likely affect organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Using a descriptive design, the study evaluated patterns of sexual harassment, prevalence and consequences in higher institutions in Anambra State, Nigeria. The sample comprised 312 female workers from three higher institutions in Anambra State whose ages ranged from 23yrs and mean age of 37.50yrs and standard deviation of 2.40. Data were collected with the aid of 31-item questionnaire. Reliability of the instrument was ascertained at determined Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.71. The result of descriptive analysis revealed the prevalence of sexual harassment is high among female workers at 69.4% (X = 3.9) with verbal sexual harassment being the most common type at 73.7% prevalence. Job insecurity was identified as the leading consequences of sexual harassment in the views of the female workers at 67.2% (X = 3.4) among other consequences. Considering the job outcomes of sexual harassment of female workers in the workplace, it is recommended that organizational climate in education sector be protected by legislative enablement to create a gender free working environment for thriving of both males and females especially females who are the common victims of sexual harassment in this part of the world while prosecuting reported cases.

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In-Text Citation: (Anierobi et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Anierobi, E. I., Etodike, C. E., Nwogbo, V. N., Okeke, N. U., & Nwikpo, M. N. (2021). Evaluating Sexual Harassment against Female Workers in Higher Institutions in Anambra State, Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(2), 265–278.