ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Due to the role of sports in youth social adjustment and social skills in their interpersonal
relationships and social skills associated with academic achievement and their role in reducing
mental and psychological problems ,we conducted this study to examine the role of physical
activity in different sport fields. In order to compare the social skills of male students
participating in the team and individual sports in Islamic Azad University of Zanjan, we chose
30 randomly as the sample size. In order to gather information, two questionnaires-i-edemographic questionnaire and social skills questionnaire (social adjustment section) Albert J.
Petitpas F (2004) with a reliability of 0.90 were used. For data analysis, descriptive statistics
and T-test were used. Results showed significant differences between team and individual
sports athletes with the soccer ranking higher than the rest of the field. Gymnastics athletes
would have better social adjustment than the rest of athletes and the rowing athletes had less
social adjustment, but this difference was not statistically significant and the results showed no
significant relationship between age and marital status with the Social Adjustment. The results
of this study confirm a considerable effect of team sports on levels of social adjustment
compared with individual sports.
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