ISSN: 2222-6990
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Depression, anxiety and stress are common among undergraduate students and a world-wide
phenomenon. In this study we wanted to assess depression, anxiety and stress levels as well as
burnout and vigor among undergraduate music education students in one Turkish university
and compare the results with the results of medical students from the same institution. We
collected data from 160 music education and 928 medical students by self reporting using
DASS-42 (Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scale-42), Shirom-Melamed Burnout (SMBM) and ShiromMelamed Vigor (SMVM) measures. We found that mean depression, anxiety and stress scores
were significantly higher among music education students compared to medicine students.There were no significant differences in terms of burnout whereas music education students
were found more vigorous than medical students. We suggested some implications for
prevention of depression, anxiety and stress.
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