ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study determined the effects of autonomy-supportive behaviors on satisfying the
psychological needs and commitment of female handball players in premier league in Iran.
Here, we used descriptive research (survey) method. The statistical population of 237 players
was selected as our samples. We administered three questionnaires for autonomy-Supportive
behaviors, psychological needs and commitment including perceived autonomy-supportive
behaviors of coaches in sport (PASSES), satisfaction of the psychological needs in sports and
sports Commitment Scale (SCMS) questionnaires. We applied multiple regression analysis and
structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze the data. Results showed there was a positive
correlation between autonomy-supportive behaviors with the psychological needs of
competence and commitment of athletes. On the other hand, the players `commitment
correlated positively with psychological needs. Results of multivariate regression showed that
the autonomy-supportive behaviors were predictor of psychological needs and commitment of
players. The path analysis, also, established mediator role of psychological needs between
autonomy-supportive behavior of the coach and players` commitment. Thus, the selfdetermination Theory among the elite players and sports teams was confirmed.
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